We have shifted into unknown territory, perhaps desiring for this to end and get back to our usual and reliable lives. But the general case with liminal space and the corresponding transitions is that there is movement to a new order, hopefully a higher order where the transition period helps birth necessary changes in the evolution of consciousness.
Read MoreIn this best/worst of times, many of us feel the call to personal and organizational transformation. For me personally, I get a lot of ideas, support, insights, and development from participating and presenting at conferences with different communities that I am a part of. As an Edgewalker (people who walk between worlds and have the ability to build bridges between different worlds), I’m a part of several diverse groups and communities, and the various frames of reference serve me in self-inquiry and developing my thought and practices on how I serve my clients.
Read MoreWhen doing action or experiential learning with organizational leaders, our approach is to coach them to develop awareness of themselves as leaders, and of the underlying system and assumptions that are operating in their organization.
Read More“The greatest problems that ever faced industry and the nation are ahead of us. There never was a time when leaders in industry were so anxious to discus vital issues, compare experiences, and get light.” -1918
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